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Why Internal Communications Needs To Be a Part of Your Digital Transformation Strategy

Written by Intertribal Software | Jul 14, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Undergoing a digital transformation journey requires plenty of planning, patience, and reevaluation from everyone involved. It touches every area of the business, no matter how big or small. 

What many don’t realize is the value of internal communications during the entirety of your digital transformation strategy can make all the difference to ensure full adoption across all employees and departments. Research from Deloitte indicates 77% of executives think companies aren’t focused on aligning employees’ personal goals with corporate purposes – a likely side effect of poor communication.

Keep in mind these reasons why you don’t want to let internal communications go to the wayside when transitioning with digital transformation.

Identify Challenges and Solutions Earlier

The great thing with internal communications is the rapport you build with employees throughout an entire digitization process. With trust and collaboration, you’ll be able to involve them during the digital transformation roadmap through pulse surveys and engage them in ways they think the solution will best help the business at large. 

This engagement is key to increasing the adoption rate for your new cloud system. Enlisting employees as your sounding board is one of the most important pieces of gaining adoption and easing the objections around a digital transformation strategy. Communication goes both ways, after all.

Helps Maintain a Healthy Culture

The pandemic has brought about rapid changes, including a largely remote-based style of work. While that helps in some ways, in others it can feel isolating and like employees are working more than ever before since the lines between work and personal are blurred in one space. 

Regardless of whether you have a hybrid or remote environment, internal communications is a way of reassuring everyone as a leader you’re present during the entirety of a digital transformation project and that you’re sympathetic to the many ongoing changes occurring. 

Gives Ample Time to Adjust to Operational Changes

It can be stressful when technology changes all the ways people do their jobs. To help embrace the new ways of working that come with digitizing documents, financial records, and payments, internal communications helps keep everyone updated on what stage the project is at. 

While there isn’t ever going to be an official “end date,” as strategies are constantly evolving, the more of a heads up you can provide employees, the better they’ll handle big-picture changes to the way they do their jobs. 

Supports Room for Employee Growth

By staying communicative, employees will eventually start to see the many benefits of a digital transformation strategy. They’ll begin to realize the potential on how it will make their lives easier and everyone they do business with – including vendors, customers, and fellow members. 

Freeing up time away from administrative burdens will strengthen employee resolve and their desire to make positive changes. Encourage this growth and be open to chatting about ways your people can truly maximize and innovate things moving forward. Making them part of the process will get their buy-in. 

Eliminate Guesswork Through Comms

Staying strong with a healthy work culture will ensure a smooth process for any tech implementation in your tribal government. Creating and maintaining this alignment is critical for a high adoption rate and gaining the ongoing trust that operationally, a cloud technology solution is the best option for your business.

If you’re curious about how to conduct internal communications in an effective way for the best change management outcome, read our other blogs here and check out ways our OneTribe™ software is easy to use and even easier to adopt.