The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma is the third largest Federally recognized Indian Tribe in the United States. With over 200,000 members. Their service area covers 10,864 square miles of Southeastern Oklahoma.
In 2017, the leadership of the Choctaw Nation made a commitment to make their application processing for member services more efficient and provide better delivery of services to their members. They recognized that the paper filing systems used by many programs were becoming unmanageable, and focused on achieving a 100% digital solution to managing member services application processes throughout the Choctaw Nation.
They also have over 4500 government employees who often moved from one department to another. Many departments utilized legacy software to run their departments and manage application intake and service delivery. These systems did not allow for communication between departments and presented challenges when it came to employee training and onboarding as employees would shift between departments.
A Modern Solution for Modern Problems
The Choctaw Nation needed a modern solution that would allow interdepartmental communication and provide a centralized view of their member data over time. We knew that OneTribe® was the software they needed to achieve their digital transformation goals. It had all the different modules to handle the unique requirements for each department and program. OneTribe would allow them to maintain a core database of member information while also allowing each department to have its unique data processing requirements.
We began the implementation process of OneTribe in 2017 and worked with the Choctaw Nation to make improvements and refine their usage of OneTribe® software. We provided systems analyst and training to help facilitate the usage of OneTribe® among their staff and ensure the implementation was successful.
With our team approach working with the Choctaw Nation IT team and program leadership we successfully implemented a true enterprise centralized member services solution. Another part of our solution was the integrated Laserfiche document management system. This provided the Choctaw Nation a way to digitize all records related to the application intake and service delivery processes. The robust combination of digital information meant they could improve their service delivery and provide a higher quality of life for their members.
Having a single solution also meant that employees would not have to relearn new software whenever they moved to a different department. There has been an increased level of comfort in using the software, which has led to increased productivity and higher levels of satisfaction among employees.
An Ongoing Partnership
There was significant contribution from the Choctaw Nation IT leadership, business analyst and department Directors and staff to the OneTribe project. We continue to evaluate and add features to the OneTribe solution with the insight and input from the Choctaw Nation team. Intertribal Software is very grateful for the 25+ year relationship we have with the Choctaw Nation.
OneTribe® Software helped the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma manage over 4500 government employees and maintain a core database of member information. Want to know what it can do for you? Schedule your free software demo today and one of Customer Care team members will be touch shortly.